Конкурс “Відкрий для себе е-волонтерство”

“Discover e-volunteering” is the first and only competition in Europe which aims at honouring and promoting the most interesting projects in which volunteers are helping others via the Internet – the e-volunteering projects. If your project brings together people who help others via the Internet, if you have an idea for a new corporate e-volunteering project:

* enter the Discover e-volunteering Competition!

* Win resources to develop your project! 

* Promote your activities!

The Competition winners will be awarded prize money to further the development of the winning e-volunteering projects. The total sum of prizes is 8 000 Euro.

 To enter the Competition, organisation should fill in the online application form, or download the offline version of the application form, fill it in, and send it to us by e-mail: competition@e-volunteering.eu (available here).

The deadline is December, 28, 2012

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